27 Jan 2014

The GAH Post

Person: Senior Manager
Age: 30

Key data points: Hot. Does not read fiction because he considers it to be frivolous. Hot girlfriend turned wife. Cool car. Respected. Roughly around five teams working under him including 8 TLs, 5-6 managers. Reportedly earns a pretty penny. So pretty that it probably doesn’t need makeup.

Person: Friend’s Cabmate’s cousin
Age: 24

Key data points: Chartered accountant in Australia. Owns two houses. In Australia, if that wasn’t clear. Reportedly earns a crore a month in Aussie dollars. Footloose and fancy-free.

Person: Another team’s TL
Age: 24

Key data points: Made TL when she was 22. Younger than most team members. Up for promotion again now. Lives in a beautiful apartment in HSR with maid and gym and whatnot. Perfect 32-28-32 figure and is one of those people who looks super perfect in formals.

Person: Classmate from school
Age: 24

Key data points: Assistant Manager of Marketing for a prominent company. B.Sc, MBA, M.Sc and a few more strings that I don’t know of. He earned over a lakh in bonuses even before he was promoted. Model child/model man.

*tearing hair out and running around in circles*


  1. I am happy to know that I am not the only one who is tearing hair out here. I have a very young manager. She is impeccable. Knows everything. Manages everything so well..
    Loved the tags.. ;) :)

    1. How do they do it!! AAAaaahhh :O
      Thanks :)

  2. Geee... I don't know.... Living it instead of counting the zero's on your paycheck?

    1. Shouldn't there be some kind of balance between the zeroes and the living bits?

  3. woooooooohhhhhhhhmayyyyyyygawwwwwwd :D:D:D:D:D
    hahahahahhhaaa..such a cute post this !!!
    its okay peevee darling...life is a biatch..
    i am sure you will be one among this list someday
    don cha worry babaes.
    here..have an oreo :D:D:D:D:*

    1. Thanks for the vote of confidence love, I hope I will be too :)
      And yes, oreos help :P

  4. Hahahaha. Golden rule of life, "Do Not Compare" :D

    1. Can't help feeling the pressure when they are walking around like walking-talking dollar signs :O

  5. That question! I ask myself everyday.

    You pointed out the lucky few. There are a lot many people thinking exactly like me, thinking, umm well, tearing hair apart.

  6. I asked the same question every morning when I go to work..Dont worry dear..things will pick up soon ;)

  7. :) Whatever you are doing, that's the best you should do at this point of life <3

    1. That IS a nice way of looking at it. Thanks, Jane! <3

    2. Oh write, woman! I keep going back to check and nothing is up on the blog :(


    This LOL is directed not towards you and your post but towards me. WHATTHEHELLAMIDOINGWITHMYLIFEEEEEEE!

  9. Life is a journey. Its not a race where the focus is on reaching those milestones . At times you hit a freeway and cover does milestones in no time and at times we r lost for directions. in the end it's the journey that matters. keep Looking for the freeway and until then enjoy the country roads.

    1. Thanks Anon. But what if it takes too long to reach the freeway? Wayy longer than you should?

  10. :-) it is a mad race baby....but just bring home that ' Booker' and world will be yours....you are a great writer... :-)

  11. Well, you see that person tearing her hair out and running in circles in the opposite direction right? That's me! Hello neighbor! Not a clue what am doing and people around me say I shouldn't be comparing myself to others. :(

    1. You shouldn't. Rather we should buck up and start working towards making things better. No?

  12. The people in your sample set can take a hike and we can continue drowning in the big sea of self pity that is around us :P :D


    I have no words :P

    1. Amen to that :P

      That was..... disturbing. To say the least :O

  13. Oh my. My life is the same. I see friends and other so many people doing so many things and i'm like.. Where the fucking hell is my life goin!!!

    we all live the same life, just different characters, Pee Vee.

    Defiant Princess

  14. Hahahaha, I know how you feel :P
    Very descriptive label tags btw lol

  15. Mind if I join you? *starts running around in circles*

  16. I don't have a say 'cause I go through that everyday.

  17. It is hard not to compare your life to others and think that 'where am I going and what am I doing?' Then it may surprise you that others will look up to you and think the same thing. I guess we are all the same :-) Take care

    1. That would make me feel better, someone thinking that about me :)

  18. hahaha....that's a great way to express yourself...i like that!

  19. Well I gave up a REALLY pretty penny (the kind that pays big loans off), and got myself well a.. cent? Or a nickel. Whatever. As long as there is a party on the weekend, enough alcohol and whatever else goes with it in your system... we are all set man! :D

    Also, yeah, don't compare. It sucks. There is ALWAYS going to be someone upping you. :)

    1. And that is why I look up to you... giving that up to do something you love is truly beautiful. Kudos.

  20. :)

    When I have days like these, either I drink, smoke or exercise, read, eat healthy, watch a movie and wake up next day thinking ---- fuck all that ---- my tomorrow will be better than yesterday! And I make sure I shop or eat waffles with hot nutella to uplift my mood!

    We never know if materials do bring happiness to those who own them. I have earned enough in past two years, yet I have no idea what I am "actually" after. xD

    Also. Hello. Long time.

    1. Look who's back!! :):) Welcome, we missed you around here.
      You've sent me into a circular thought process where I am trying to work out what would actually make me happy.

  21. A lot of my friends are married and have kids too and yes I think that this post is being pointed at me. JUST REALIZED WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE. People are making billions and I am busy tweeting and facebooking and instagramming. Maaaaaaaaaaaaaan I neeed to wake up!

    1. Wake up and win the world with your social presence, that's what you should do :D:)

  22. I would say 'do not compare'. Sometimes its impossible to do that. But nothing is permanent in life. Neither yours nor theirs. Life can make huuuugggeeee changes in you or in the situation at any time, as I see it. So, be ready! :)


Go on, you can say it.