17 Nov 2015

Life On My Instagram

To say that I have replaced all forms of social media with Instagram would not be a lie. I actually went so far as to delete my Facebook app on the phone. But when I post there, half the story behind the picture is lost because I do not like captions that are too long. So I thought I'd do a roundup here and tell you the little story behind some recent pictures and some old favorites.

In order of appearance, from left to right:

1) If you follow me at all, anywhere, you'd know that I'm obsessed with bokeh. This was quite a random click, as simple as point and shoot. But it will always be special as it was taken on my first trip with the SO back home. Unsurprisingly, the family loved him and he loved the family but this photo reminds me of all the pleasant jitters in my head :)

2) Serendipity was what led me to Once Upon a Flame, a new steakhouse in HSR layout. In love with the place, in love with the food. I wrote quite the blog post for them on Zomato that you can read if you want to. Despite the fact that that was not my food, I loved how appetizing the burger looked. Also one of the few pictures I used a filter for, because I usually hate filters.

3) One of the best days I've had, fitness-wise. The SO convinced me to buy the Fitbit Charge HR and at the risk of sounding dramatic, I will say that my life has changed. Getting those stats on the page has become an obsession that I'd never thought I'd have and one of the few good obsessions I have. And of COURSE, I'm seeing results; you can walk 14 kms a day and NOT see results :D

4) I've had a lot of stayovers at friends' places and busy, busy weekends. So every time I see my babies, I feel pangs of guilt that I'm not spending enough time with them. Despite cats not needing as much love as dogs do, they still need attention and I'm not giving it to them :/ Talk about getting priorities straight.

5) Closely related to the last photo - there was a time when I used to spend 48 hours of the weekend locked up in the house, not stepping out for ANY reason whatsoever. I used to laze around, watch TV shows, read, and sometimes not even get out of bed. And I used to loathe these weekends on Monday morning as I used to feel like I wasted two days. I used to want to be busy. Life heard my prayers and made my life so busy that I don't have the time to even sneeze these days. Thanks, Life -_- I'm yearning for an idyllic Sunday now.

6) That's my Grandma. In her element. Doing what she loved most. I love this picture for all that it symbolizes – home, happiness, contentment, clean air, house overrun by plants, comfort, lack of judgments, unconditional love.... the list goes on.


  1. Interesting collage and more interesting stories behind every frame. I love instagram too :)

  2. :) you know I am neither on FB or instagram or any other social media .. one of the reason is dont have that much time to spend on them ...

    lovely pics and 2 days inside the house doing nothing WOWOWWOWO I would love that to happen ...



Go on, you can say it.